
Instructor: Scott CorbatTraditional renovation work can create significant dust-lead hazards if lead-based paint is disturbed. Contaminated dust generated by traditional renovation work can cause lead poisoning in children, pregnant women, healthy adults, and even pets. Practical changes in work practices can minimize and contain dust. The use of lead-safe work practices makes the job safer and reduces liability exposure. This course will teach you how to perform or supervise lead-safe work practices safely and effectively. This course is not a qualifier for RRP Certification. You must complete an EPA accredited course for Certified Renovator Status.After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Understand the dangers inherent in lead paint, including the risks and difficulties involved in renovation projects that involve older structures.
  • Summarize the EPA and HUD rules required of Certified Firms and Certified Renovators.
  • Determine if lead-based paint affects your work, and how to educate owners and residents in target housing, or owners and adult representatives in child-occupied facilities about how the work will affect lead in their property, and how to plan the work so that it is lead safe.
  • Outline the process of proper set up so that dust and debris created by the work do not contaminate the property and leave behind lead contaminated dust.
  • Describe how to effectively clean up dust generated by the work performed in the home or child- occupied facility; how Certified Renovators conduct a cleaning verification; and how to dispose of renovation waste.
This course covers:
  • Lead Paint Concerns
  • Regulation
  • Before Beginning Work
  • Containing Dust
  • During the Work
  • Cleaning and Checking Your Work
  • Recordkeeping
  • Training

Credit(s) earned on completion of this course will be reported to AIA CES for AIA members.  Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available to print upon completion of the course.This course is registered with AIA CES for continuing professional education.  As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA or any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.